Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mother's Day

We had a nice relaxing day, last Sunday. After relaxing we headed to my mom and dad's for family dinner.

Reece "surprised" me with this flower when I woke up. He made it in school and it had been hiding in his room for days. When he gave it to me I immediately noticed it was looking a little sad.... I told him it probably needed some sunlight. He searched the house for some and the only sunlight he found was in front of the our front door. So he plopped it right in the middle if the floor. It wasn't until later he showed me the cup he was using to water it, and he showed me how full he filled his cup.... Now I'm thinking the pretty flower drowned!! Haha.... It was the super sweet thought that counts.

This is the first year Riley didn't make a gift at school, so it feels more like he is getting too old. One more year and he will be in middle school. Yikes!!!

I got the best gift from Jake a couple days later.... We have tickets to go see Les Miserables" in Kansas City this December. I'm so excited!! It will be my 3rd time, and this is a brand new cast and production, because the original show retired a few years back. This September we will also be taking the boys to "The Lion King" in Wichita and hope they enjoy that. There is a lot to look forward to!


Erica said...

Happy Mother's Day! Reece is so cute!

Shenna said...

Jealous of Les Mis! That's one I have yet to see.