Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Summer Is Here!

Finally!!! Summer vacation is a reality!!! I actually lost sleep the last two nights.... Hopefully just out of excitement. Yep...I'm worse than a kid, but I love my summers!!!

We snapped some pictures and Reece got to give his flower pot to Mrs. Olander.... We took the risk of planting actual seeds. There were some good sprouts coming up, and hopefully she has flowers to look forward to this summer. She loved it and as we were walking out she told me one last time, "Reece is the perfect student." She made me tear up, I just adored having her for two years. We added her favorite candy, Hot Tomales, and a gift card to her favorite tiny restaurant here in town. Reece did wake up extra early today very excited for summer to begin, but as soon as he got ready he did mention he was a little sad not to have Mrs. Olander anymore. Sweet boy!

Sadly, Riley's teacher, Mrs. Stucky, was still on maternity leave. I didn't get a picture of them.... Riley seems to have teachers who often have babies while he is with them.... We decided to get both his teacher and substitute S'more care packages, and we added a Walmart gift card to his teachers gift. Figured with a new baby, Walmart couldn't be a bad way to go. I really think Riley is excited to be a 5th grader. We were hoping to have Mrs. Stucky next year, but they've changes the system from a multi aged classroom to looping, and she is going to be in 4th, so we will find out who he has in August.

We have a trip to KC planned in a couple weeks, Riley wants to take some art classes and Reece will do a soccer camp. Riley will be 10 next month and I plan on surprising him by bringing his friend Scott, from Gardner down for a few days. The rest is unknown, but it's going to be great!! Let the lazy, crazy days begin!!


Leesa said...

Those are such cute ideas for teacher gifts!! I hope you are doing well. Let's definitely get together this summer. :)

jody-of-all-trades said...

Lucky teachers!!!