Wednesday, December 26, 2012


We had a wonderful, semi relaxing Christmas! Here are some shots of our day...

My mom and dad's fireplace.
35 handmade stockings, the siblings and spouses up top (15)
the grandkids on bottom (20)

Aidan getting very excited over.... tools. Yep! He wanted tools. Funny 11 year old boy! Grandma made his day!

Riley and all of his LEGOS!

Star Wars + Angry Birds = Marketing GENIUS! HA!

A little out of order, but the boy's art they brought home on Friday. Reece drew and colored the elf all by himself. Riley made the 3 smaller pieces for his classroom door.

Santa brought these "Indoor Snowball Fight" buckets... just incase we have a repeat of last year with very minimal snow.

I'm pretty excited! We get to take the boys to their very first KU game on January 6 VS. Temple! Yay!

Reece wanted mom and dad to open this gift first! Now we have one from him and one from Riley.

Christmas morning. Let the unwrapping begin!

Riley's new robe and LEGOS! They never get old!

Reece got a lot of Beyblade fun.... haven't figured out why these are so popular yet.

Lightsaber dual.... to break up the present giving.

This is the happiest we saw Riley. His very own iPod Touch. Because sharing with Reece wasn't good enough!

My wrapping at it's greatest. I used 4 different kinds of paper on that bad boy!

Showing off the KU tickets!

The Jayhawk loot! Woohoo! Of course, we ALL needed a new blue shirt to wear to The Allen Fieldhouse!

The biggest surprise was an iPad from Grandpa McMillan! They look a bit confused here...

But they figured it out here! Thanks, Grandpa!!

The new robe, with a hoodie!

Here is Santa's treats. Reece was shocked that all of them were gone in the morning. Santa worked hard this year.
I ordered 5 dozen Christmas cookies from my sister to give to neighbors, and I had a few left over to share with "Santa." YUM!

Santa got Riley the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid book, The Fifth Wheel. Reece got the Super Mario 2 for his 3DS. Then they both got new Lego Star Wars planets, a couple new balls for outside play and the snowball fight with some Sour Patch Kids on the side.... he must know those are their favorites! 

So we had our Christmas in the morning, and I was shocked the boys slept until 6am. We cleaned up a bit, and played with our new stuff for a bit, and then it was off to Wichita to celebrate at my parents. Jake and I snuck out later, with my sister, Jaime, to see the new movie Les Miserables. It was amazing.... we don't usually enjoy being a part of the crowd to go out and take time away from "family time" but it was a movie Jaime and I were very anxious to see, most of our family was off to go home and play with their Christmas gifts, and it was either in the awesome Warren Theater or a sad McPherson theater. The movie did not disappoint.
We have so much to be thankful for and we were truly blessed this season! Now it's officially time to relax. I haven't done that since early August.... I hope I remember how! 

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