Sunday, December 9, 2012

Reece Turned 8!

We made a very quick trip up to Kansas City this weekend. (Sorry we couldn't spend more time to see our friends... the boys really wanted to!) The timing just worked out for us to us spend Reece's day there too. What really brought us up, was I finally got to cash in one of my Mother's Day gifts. Ticket's to my favorite musical, Les Miserables, on Friday night. It is the 3rd time I've seen it, and the first time since the new touring company picked it up. I loved it! Jake and I got a hotel room close by while the boys were very happy to stay with Aunt Jaime. We took them out of school early on Friday to head up there. Jake and I woke up super early on Saturday, so we could get to our birthday boy. I can not believe our baby is 8!!

We got the birthday boy this boring piece of paper.
It was good for a dollar amount to spend at The Lego Store.
I made Reece laugh, because I wrapped this paper in a box, wrapped in a box, wrapped in a 3rd box. Haha!
I had to liven up a boring piece of paper some how!
Reece needs to work on dollar amounts with decimals and zeros... he read this as $100,000 to spend... not so much! 

Reece also wanted to watch the movie,  Rise of the Guardians.  He wanted to go to the Fork and Screen, so we made it a lunch and show with Aunt Jaime. It was a good movie, I think we all enjoyed it! We just can't do those kinds of things here in McPherson.

Here is what Reece made it away with from The Lego Store. He's a pretty happy boy!
When I asked what the best part of his day was, he told me, "Spending time with Aunt Jaime."
It was so sweet..... maybe I could have saved a lot of money on the Legos and just given him more time with her!?

At Aunt Jaime's... with the box, wrapped in a box, wrapped in another box.

Waiting for our food before the movie begins.

We got back in to town very late, and stopped for a bite at Applebee's.  Reece likes this place, because he thinks it's the only place that gives free birthday dessert. Funny kiddo....

That was our 30 hours in KC. It went so fast, but I got some Christmas shopping done, and I'm pretty sure Reece had a great day. I am always amazed I have survived this many years with this energetic kid.... but, life would be pretty dull without him. Happy 8th Birthday, to a pretty cool kid!

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