Monday, December 31, 2012

Wrapping Up 2012

This is bound to be the most random post ever. I was going through my phone to see what I've missed along the way, and here is what we've been up to this Christmas break too... here we go!

Our greatest gift we've received, is a gift we didn't find under the tree. Remember the post about Reece's regularity? We were doing our best to stay completely away from dairy, and documenting every thing he ate and every time he used the restroom. Christmas came and I decided to throw all restriction out of the window, and let the kid be a kid. I was expecting bad things, but we must have been blessed with a Christmas miracle! He has been on a very "normal" diet with absolutely no issues since. Even adding yogurt, cheese and milk back to his diet. What ever happened those 7-8 weeks is baffling and I'm so thankful for the direction we are heading. I'm still being cautious and bugging Reece about what's been happening in the restroom, but all reports have been good! Please keep this up, buddy!

Our neighbors are in the process of laying fresh concrete.... it's been a lengthy process, so the boys, Savannah and Stephanie, enjoyed some play time in the sand. It's hard to believe just over a month ago they were in shorts!

LEGOS have kept the boys busy this cold break! This does  their Star Wars collection no justice, but they never get tired of it!

We are currently enjoying a white New Year's Eve!
This is probably more snow than we got all of last year, so we will enjoy what we got!

I'm starting a new bed time routine for the new year. I've taken ideas from Shenna, Jody and a 4th grade teacher I work with. Mrs. Razak stresses the "Hippo" part of our brain. It's a theory that if you review things right before bedtime, they "sink" in more long term. Well, I am putting it to the test, whether the boys grumble about it or not. They are now going to have to get ready for bed earlier, and have some winding down time before lights out. They can read, work on flashcards (the part I'm hoping the Hippo project works most on) or write to me in a "Dear Mom" journal. I will read and write back to them... thanks Pinterest. They have to fill out this grid of 25 stickers to earn a free night, where iPods or iPads are allowed before 8:30 bedtime.

I'm getting Reece started on multiplication with the new year starting. I've witnessed first hand 3rd graders struggling with this new concept and it's painful! Multiplication is something that you will use your entire life! Granted, I'm sure the kids that struggle, don't practice at home, but I am convinced to give Reece a head start. We are starting with the x0 and x1... wish us luck!

This Christmas break, we've added a couple new games to keep things fun!

Here is Riley's mask he made in art.

Reece made a castle.

And here is a "frame worthy" piece from Riley. I love it!

This is how Reece stays warm... socks, slipper socks, topped off with house shoes. Silly kid!

What is this? Reece is napping? I haven't seen this in years!!
Haha! Riley came down with a 48 hours fever, which meant a lot of Disney and Nickelodeon watching on the couch.... well, the laziness caught up with Reece! We feel so lucky that Riley's fever was just that! We are well aware of all the other crud going around.

A Christmas story I forgot to add... Last year, Santa let down Reece big time. He apparently did NOT follow Reece's wish list. Reece apparently did NOT forget about his disappointment. Reece put his wish list by Santa's cookies this year, and let's just say that Reece has confirmed he had a better Christmas this year! Phew! The pressure is a lot to handle!

A random picture of my brother, Shawn's family.
Shawn, Kait, Colby (10) and Camryn (8) and my favorite dog, Reese.
Exciting things are in store for them in 2013... shhh! Mums the word! ;)

My beautiful Utah nieces and nephews.
Cole(15), Sami(8), Sydney(10) and Brendon(13).

We went on the McPherson Trolley to look at Christmas lights.... let's just say we won't pay for that experience again, but we crossed a wish off of Reece's wish list!

This wraps up the last of our 2012.... Tomorrow is a new year, and Thursday we are back to the grind of "normal." School and work! Ugh.... We are half way to summer break!! ;)


Erica said...

I am so glad Riley is better! I enjoyed reading your blog post!! Cute pictures!!

Erica said...

And of course I am so glad Reece is feeling better too :)

You poor thing, between fevers and stomach problems you've been one busy momma!

Shenna said...

I hope the bedtime routine works out for you! Sticker charts work wonders for my kids. :) I'm happy for your little Christmas miracle! Health stuff is never fun to figure out.