Tuesday, March 19, 2013

If you give a Reece...

...a Shamrock Shake, he's going to bug you for more.

I made the mistake of introducing the boys to McDonald's March milkshake. Riley had earned one for his bowling scores... Wellllllllll, Reece would not stop hassling me for another. It was March 15, and Reece was in panic mode that he needed to get another one before the month was over, and the Shamrock Shake went away!! So, Riley earned a second one and Reece got one for his great music program.

Mom is a push over. Honestly, I had no idea what the fuss was about. I had never had one, so I shared one with Jake and it was GoOd!!! Great thing I'm learning self control and that was the only one I got for myself. ;-)

1 comment:

jody-of-all-trades said...

Last year Aidan and I drove to 3 different McDonalds for one last Shamrock shake!