Sunday, March 3, 2013


I can't believe I haven't blogged about Riley and I finishing the Harry Potter series! It was a very fun... and long... 2+ years of our lives. I resisted the craze, and broke down and discovered the exciting journey of Harry. I'm so glad I discovered it with Riley. I'd be lying if it was exciting all the time, there were some very long and very wordy chapters in the mix that didn't make us very eager to pick up the book the next day. In the end, it all had a purpose and we appreciated those chapters just the same. I was so excited to finish it, but so sad it had to end. I will also have hours of time on my hands, now that it's over. Riley and I have learned that the book is always better than the movie. That's a big lesson for a  10 year old. Here is his review... which is the opposite of wordy. 

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
I loved this book and movies (it was split into to 2 parts). My favorite part about the Deathly Hallows was the battle at Hogwarts. The three Deathly Hallows are The Elder Wand, The Resurrection Stone, and The Cloak of Invisibility.
I've already asked Reece if he is ready for me to start over with him... it was a not-so-surprising NO!

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