Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Break

It always feels as if you dare blink, you will miss it. My spring break felt this way... it may have helped that my two amazing boys got along the entire time!
Feeling a bit more on a budget this year, we stayed in town. The fabulous town of McPherson.
Here is a quick recap of our 9 days off... 10 for me. I used my last personal day to enjoy some Big XII basketball. Jayhawks taking the title... again!

There may be snow on our ground now, but here is proof from my front yard that SPRING wants to come, and hopefully STAY!

I have a yellow door!

I saw this on Pinterest, and had to have it!
Our painters are going to get started on our gray house as soon as Mother Nature cooperates!

The boys and I went bowling, and went to see the "OZ..." movie in 3D. Reece didn't think I would see he closed his eyes.
Poor Jake missed a lot of fun due to the nasty flu bug catching him... thankfully we all missed it and stayed healthy.
*knock on wood*

My adorable niece announced she is having a baby brother!!
This makes the girl:boy ratio an even 1:2.... 7 girls and 14 boys, come August!

Our last Saturday of break, the weather forecast called for 100% snow ALL day.... this is what our WiCkEd weather  looked like all day long....

Oh wait.... 10 hours late, it arrived. Depressing... feeling more like winter  break. 

If you know me, you know I was thrilled spring break fell on the first weekend of March Madness. Well, some exciting news from my hometown was Wichita St. made it to the Sweet 16! Yay! And here is proof I called them beating #1 Gonzaga! Double Yay!! The rest of the Big XII (other than my favorite Jayhawks) disappointed me terribly... by not advancing. Oh, well... ROCK CHALK & GO SHOCKS! Kansas LOVE!

My break ended with a great (well half the game was great) win against Roy William's Tarheels. This made me laugh.... Happy March Madness/Spring Break! Now we countdown to summer...

1 comment:

Shenna said...

Spring break is always too short! I'm glad you're enjoying your favorite time of year. :)