Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Snow Day x4

We just wrapped up 4 LONG snow days, added a weekend in the mix, to give us 6 days of feeling trapped in this old house. I can do summer break, where it's easy to get out and about, but I hate driving in snow, so it makes me feel super trapped when it happens. I was so ready to make it back to work today... but not ready to wake up at my usual 5:50 am. I REALLY enjoyed sleeping in till 7-7:30. Guess I have spring break to look forward to... and next week is a 3 day week due to conferences. Then we have a long Easter weekend, so March will fly by, and my paycheck will make me cry! ;)

I bought these construction kits at school (for very cheap) and did they ever come in handy while being stuck between trips out to play in the snow. The took up HOURS at a time!
The boys also got to buy some new Legos, because we were supposed to get another foot of snow, which didn't happen. 

First round got us 13.8" and round two got us 3".... not sure we needed 2 days off for round 2, but the forecast was 10-15".
We did make snow ice cream... first time ever and it was awesome! But VERY cold... small bites recommended!

The trees looked too cool on our last snow day. The sun quickly came out and melted all the snow on the streets and sidewalks and it was a gorgeous day!

We Mom got so tired of being home, we made it out to lunch. The goofy boys were treated to some yummy desserts for being so good during this long stretch of being home. 

My not-as-g0oFy boys.

Concentrating and building.

I was mostly impressed with Reece. A couple years ago, you would never have seen him sit and put Legos together. He would wait for Riley to build it for him. He just didn't have the focus. Now he loves to do the building, and he really concentrated and worked on the first kit all by himself for quite a while!

And the first day back.... I asked the boys of their opinion about returning to school.  You can figure it out...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I still can't believe all the snow that was dumped out there! I wish my March was short like that! :) Unfortunately for us, we probably won't EVER have a snow day here.