Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Week In Review

I had a busy week (last week), while being slightly under the weather.... all in all, it was a GREAT week!

The Jayhawks put an end to their 3 game losing streak by destroying both K-State and Texas. So this GREATLY improved my February!

We had a spirit week, as a reward for collecting a TON of pop tabs for The Ronald McDonald House.  It was a "Salad Dressing" themed reward week.
Monday was "Thousand Island" A.K.A. "Hawaiian Day."
My coworker, Cindy and I squeezed into these little girl hula skirts. Our principal, a KU Alum, also declared it Sunflower Showdown day.... which explains our Jayhawk shirts.
It was this day, that KU crushed the Wildcats! Woohoo!

Tuesday was "Ranch" day.... in my BEST western ware. Well,  I don't really own western ware, so this was the best I could do.... I had to borrow Jake's Aussie hat from his Outback days. ;) 

I've had fun designing a baby outfit for my good friend, Shane, who is expecting a little girl next month with his wife. This is the back before it was complete. FYI, he is a basketball player. He played in college and even over seas afterwards. 

The front.... LOVE it!

I got a few Valentines at school.
This is too cute!

Even better. ..Melon?

The boy's school is about to have the most genius fundraiser EVER!
It's hard to read here, but to raise money for new Library books and Guided Reading books the kids are "voting" for the best school. The votes are donated money, and whichever team has the most money donated, gets bragging rights as the best school. Clever!

And finally, I turned 31. I was sick, but it was  still a good day. My financial guy sent me this fun fact sheet about what life was like when I was 7. I was actually shocked to see that milk was so expensive... for 1989. This wraps up my busy/odd week.

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