Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Quick Trip

We made a super quick trip to see my brother, Shawn, and his family on Saturday. He had an extra ticket to see KU play, and I could never pass it up! Unfortunately, KU lost to OSU..... my first EVER loss to witness in person. I literally felt sick all night, but I did survive.

Riley snapped some pictures on the way there.

Perfect seats! Center court, and at the very top where we had lots of standing and jumping around room!

I LOVE when this super huge, jumbo flag comes out. 

After the game we decided to stay the night since it was so late, and we had a great dinner with cousins! The kids had a lot of fun hanging out too. Thanks Shawn and Kait, you are great hostesses.
(Shawn: Please don't ban me from KU games.... It will be better next time!)

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