Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Middle School

This week started off with MIDDLE SCHOOL INFORMATION NIGHT. Yikes! Just looking at this building intimidates me. It looks like it should be on a college campus. The inside made me think of Winchester mansion... You know, the crazy lady that kept adding to her house to fool the ghosts? Maybe a little dramatic, but Riley may need a map the first semester.... And some good walking/stair climbing shoes. I was impressed with the principal and the few teachers that were there to speak with us. Riley was very nervous at first, then he decided he was ready for it by the time the night was over. I will just throw myself a pity party, and kick myself for sending him to school too early (he's the baby of his class with a June birthday)... Even though he was plenty ready and has excelled so far.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Wow, middle school?!?! That is hard to believe, it feels like he was just in my first grade class! He'll do GREAT!

Happy Birthday! LOVE the outfit you made!!!