Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mother's Day

I had a wonderful, extra relaxing Mother's day.... I got to lay in bed when I woke up and was eventually greeted with breakfast in bed. Then the boys surprised me with their handmade gifts from school. Hanging with my boys consumed the rest of the beautiful day.
My sister brought this classic picture of me and all my siblings...a picture is worth a thousand words. Or so they say.

Reece made this ... I win! Best Mom Ever! ;)

He also made this.... it's gorgeous! It's just calling to be framed!

My favorite Riley!

My favorite Reece!

Riley made this.
Respectful Sons.
Love, Riley

1 comment:

Erica said...

Love the old picture of your family. Are you the blonde one in the middle? She looks just like Riley to cool!

Happy Mother's Day to a wonderful mom! I hope you had the best one yet, I know you had the most creative one-awesome art!