Saturday, November 16, 2013

Reece's Conference

We had Reece's conference with Ms. Foster and all reports were great... shocking, I know! ;) We are still in the "number" system when it comes to grades, and he received 3's and 4's across the board, 4 being the highest on the scale. Mostly 3's, which is "proficient." There wasn't a whole lot to discuss. I guess you have to take that as a good thing... because if there was a problem, I'm sure we'd hear about it. 
Ms. Foster left this comment: "Reece is doing a great job in homeroom. He is always ready with a thoughtful answer when called upon. His progress has been consistent across the subjects."

He has Mr. Hardcastle as his Literacy teacher and his comment was: "Understanding the learning objectives and goals, becomes involved with the themes of literacy, and engages with others in an attempt to create a community of learners through sharing and implementation of ideas. Somewhat shy on occasion." (Reece thinks Mr. Newcastle is a pretty cool teacher... I think it's a male thing, because Riley had his first male teacher in 3rd grade and had similar feelings. As great as all the boy's teachers have been, I think male elementary teachers are an important figure in kid's lives. There are kids out there that can truly benefit from that kind of role model at this young age. Mostly those kids that don't have that positive male figure in their home lives.)
Reece wrote this at the beginning of the year. Love the Jayhawk colors and how he spelled "multiplication"...he hears all sounds and that's a tough word to attempt!

Reece got a great grade on this assignment.
"Bob was at Best Buy. He was so ecxited! He wanted a flat screen TV in his room on the wall. He had $38,999 the TV was $24,891. He bought it. How much money does Bob have now?" He got a "4" for the math problem and a "3" for his writing."
I'm glad Bob is so wealthy and can afford such an expensive TV... and his picture is nice too. Rows of TVs at Best Buy.

Does this picture look familiar!? It should... it's a pretty accurate picture of the Giant Canyon Swing we have been on several times. I love his detail! This was his "capture the moment" writing assignment... Ms. Foster had to help him turn a "multiple day story" into a "moment" story, but she was pleased that he was very receptive to her help.
"On a hot dry mountain everyone was screaming! I was running to the rides. My hole family was there. I told my mom I wanted to ride the scariest ride the swing. I ran down to the swing. It was huge! They called me on. I gasped. It started. I was feeling funny like I was going to fall. But it was my favorite moment up there."
Love the detail he squeezed in there!

I miss the artwork that came home from McPherson... but I do love the sea turtle that Reece brought home from here.  I hope to see more as the year goes on!

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