Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thankful November

This year I decided to give the boys a list numbered 1-30. The idea was each day they would write one thing they were thankful for. Reece finished the entire list on day 11... and Riley never finished. I guess he has such a rough life that he couldn't think of 30 things to be thankful for. I guess my worst fear was proved that kids are spoiled and truly don't understand how much they are blessed with.

Reece: (I will keep the spelling as-is because it's still so cute!)

  1. I am thankful for my family
  2. I am thankful for God
  3. I am thankful for food
  4. My house
  5. for toys
  6. out side
  7. Colorado
  8. Jesus
  9. Learning
  10. Books
  11. electronics
  12. warmth
  13. school
  14. water
  15. cars
  16. air
  17. gravity
  18. the sun
  19. light
  20. police
  21. communitte
  22. fire men
  23. hospatals
  24. Science
  25. clothes
  26. games
  27. softness
  28. music
  29. fun
  30. the world (I think you can tell he really is enjoying 3rd grade Science)
  1. My family
  2. Food on our table
  3. A house to live in
  4. wealthy family (???)
  5. education
  6. clothes
  7. Friends
  8. Toys
  9. Music
  10. Electronics
  11. Books
  12. beds
  13. TV
  14. transportation
  15. Instruments
  16. Teachers
  17. Skiing 
  18. Fans and heaters
  19. Movies
  20. Electricity
  21. Winter Clothes
  22. Water
  23. Blankets
  24. Chairs
  25. Pillows
  26. Sports
  27. School
  28. Pay day (Hmmm.... he was stretching it there towards the end. But he gave it a shot!)

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