Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Blue & Red

Half of our life is currently is storage during this transition year. Including all of our Christmas decorations. We decided to have a little, simple fun. We got a tiny tree from lows, red and blue lights and ornaments and let the boys go at it. It was all them, as I watched from the couch sick from the flu. You can't deny our fanhood... we are representing KU from Colorado. 

Grandma's annual handmade ornaments got here just in time for the tree!! Thanks!
Our "Elf on the Shelf"... 

Got our first Christmas card!! Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Cute tree! Perfect for your family-KU :-). Now just go on to Breckenridget and get one of those Jayhawks made out of wood,lol! Merry Christmas!! I'll need your new address :-)