Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thanksgiving Roadtrip

I'd do about anything to avoid being in charge of cooking an entire Thanksgiving meal...but it's hard when your nearest family is 5 hours away and you have jobs you are tied down to. Well, we decided to head to Utah, because I just didn't want to tackle the feast this year. I'm glad we was  a quick turn around trip, but well worth it.
Reece keeping his word and making sure he did his reading homework on the long drive.

The Colorado River before Grand Junction.

Not too long into Utah, we ran into some insane fog... the visibility was terrible.

Oops... should have zoomed this picture a bit. We stopped for a yummy (but very slow) meal at Balance Rock Eatery.

I mustache you a question...

Reece mustache (must act) just like Riley...

Just after lunch we found Balance Rock in the canyon ... what the eatery was named after.

I see the mountain that is very close to Springville, UT.

Cool windmills... although we never see them move.
WOW! I totally didn't take any pictures of Jill and family...I am very lame. We had an awesome meal and my sister was very on top of all the yummy food (we contributed a sweet potato casserole and green bean casserole). Sadly, we had to drive home after dessert, and on the way home I began coughing. Well the coughing turned into the flu. Amazingly, I'm the only victim (*knock on wood*) but it was a rough 5 days for me. Hopefully, it's almost gone and my happy, healthy Christmas season can continue as normal. Well, as normal as a first holiday season far away from family.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I love all of your pictures :-)