Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Jake had a milestone birthday this year... 40!!
The day before the boys and I ambushed him at work, attacked him with silly string, and brought the staff cupcakes to celebrate. We also got him some art for his office...a picture collage of our adventures here in Colorful Colorado.

It's safe to say that Lowe's might want to be out with the old and in with the young... watch out, Jake. This guy has his eye on your job!

We were spoiled by our friends, the Scrutons and Brokers... we had an adult only dinner on Saturday and turned around and had an adult only breakfast the following day. Turning 40 isn't too bad!

And we saw our first ELK in the Scrutons neighborhood on his birthday! We had been waiting for this sighting!
So, Jake didn't have too much on his wishlist...but since we both did Insanity last winter/spring, he really wanted T25 (a DVD workout by the same guy, just shorter) so that's what he got. I'm excited to give it a shot, too. People think with all the hiking we've done here, we must be super fit living out here....well our waistlines don't reflect that theory, and with winter officially here, this will help us out with the winter blues.

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