Sunday, February 2, 2014

Ski Lessons

February 1st brought the boys' first ski lessons with the Aspen Valley Ski Club in Buttermilk. Boy did we have some nerves all around... the boys were nervous, mom was nervous, but we didn't let them show too much. I signed the boys up to have a chaperoned bus ride up to Aspen, well a big snow storm hit us Thursday/Friday and they canceled the busses, so I had to take them up on the rough small highway to a place I had never been and get them set up on my own... well Ian Scruton came to my rescue, he lives up there on the weekends and wanted to snowboard, so he was my guide and I was his ride... Everything went smoothly. The boys got 5 hours of instruction and at the end of the day they were very happy. Reece didn't want to leave (that's a great sign to me that he enjoyed it) and although Riley said he fell a lot, he gave his day a 10! (Guess the stopping part was tough on him...he's new and he's 11, so I expected that.) I'm just relieved they enjoyed and next week they get to go on Saturday and Sunday. We might have a couple future skiers in our home!
Before the fun began... they were in the beginner group.

This is where the X-Games were... they were tearing it down all day. It was so hard to believe this was the same place we were last Sunday. It looked very different in the day light and without all the flashy lights.

One pro to having to take the boys up, I got to get some pics that I otherwise would not have gotten...I found Reece at the end of the day, but struggled finding Riley. Here's to another great 5 lessons ahead.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Brave, brave boys (and momma too)! Way to go Riley and Reece!!!