Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February Happenings

February has been just as uneventful as January... except for the ski lessons. The boys had last weekend off, due to the expected busy holiday weekend at the slopes, but will continue the next 3 Saturdays. 
Here are a few things that have taken place recently...
My grandmother turned the big 98!
This is an old picture from Easter 2012, but it was the best I could do!
What a milestone!! I hear she was surprised she was 98 years old...funny lady!

I got a pretty awesome Valentine's/Birthday gift... a day at the spa! Massage, facial, pedicure and manicure. Lovely!

This is random... Reece likes to watch TV while standing on his soccer ball. I wish I had his core strength and balance.
Back to Valentine's Day... I couldn't resist these adorable Jayhawk teddy bears! I love my mini Valentine's!!
We found out the Wednesday night before Valentine's Day (which was on Friday this year) that Reece needed to make a box! Nice notice... Reece came home telling me I should receive an email from his teacher...which never happened. I made it up to Target late that night and hit the art aisle, and found a couple clearance items. Poster sized letters and poster lights... Here are my manly men working on that box... and below is the final product! It made Reece very happy!! Turns out not many kids had boxes on Friday, but Reece had the BEST BOX!!

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