Sunday, February 2, 2014


I can't say I've ever been an "X-Games" fan... never watched it, never paid attention to it. However, when you live 40 minutes away from Aspen, it's a pretty big deal! They even conveniently have a "teacher work day" on the Friday of the big event to avoid the drama of kids skipping school to hang out at the games all day. Well, the pressure got to us and we broke down and took the boys last Sunday night. We made it in time for the final men's half pipe snow boarding event... we saw most of the warm up, but by the time the actual event started we were so cold that we only lasted half way through the competition.... which was fine, it was a school night, after all. (Note to self: go during the day next year to avoid the insane cold nighttime brings...and work on getting much warmer clothes before next year.) All in all, it was a great time, I can't say I'm eager to go back, but I can't say I won't ever go back either. We went for the experience, and an experience it was... the boys enjoyed it, until their little toes were froze, so home we went. I had a Facebook friend write to me, "You guys have the coolest adventures." Well, almost all of our adventures are FREE!! Nothing is cooler than a cool experience that is FREE!! I was in shock to find out the event was free, even parking and the shuttle that took you up to Buttermilk.   It was a great time, and with that being said, I never want my boys to get that brave on skis or snowboards... entertaining until you think of your own child doing unbelievable, risky stunts 60 feet in the sky...

My face is so cold... I look ridiculous! ;)

Abby, Celia, Nina, Reece and Riley... the first 3 are part of the peer pressure that we succumbed to.

I had to take advantage of another gorgeous shot of Sopris from our drive up...

1 comment:

Erica said...

How cool is that!! Great pictures, thanks for sharing!