Sunday, January 19, 2014


I haven't blogged in a while... honestly, 2014 has started off pretty uneventful. It's okay with me, because 2013 was plenty eventful for our family, so much so that it's nice to just take a breather and putter through day to day... boring old life. But, since I know my mom is anxious for an update, here are a few random shots from our past few weeks.
Riley finished The Hunger Games, so he finally got to watch the he's working on Catching Fire. 

We've done a little bit of sledding... Riley showing off his hat head.

Riley...keeping that snow out of his face.

Reece just covering his face to solve the problem.

Reece was pretty proud of his "snow bear." See it?

We got to celebrate Abby's 11th birthday with a yummy feast! She wanted brownies as her favorite!!

CrAzY icicles out our window!

Driving amongst the elk...I seriously want to live in this neighborhood.  The herd of 300 or more come down from the mountains in the winter time and just hang out on the golf course, by the pond. Too cool...anyone have a few hundred thousand dollars for us to borrow have?? Haha...

Rare sweet moment from Reece. This was during the KU/Iowa St game... not sure how they stayed so calm during the excitement. (We won)

More sledding...I mean burying Reece in the snow.

Another picture perfect day. The temperature was 28 degrees, but it didn't take long to break a sweat. Winters here are kind of nice.... when the sun is out it is honestly balmy. It helps when the wind doesn't howl like it does in Kansas. We have a random windy day here and there, but it doesn't happen very often... and this wraps up our first few weeks of 2014. Not exciting, but I won't complain about the down time.

1 comment:

Shenna said...

Sometimes it's better to have quiet times! Those lego sets the boys got are so awesome! My girls are just getting into Legos, and to be completely honest, I like it as much as they do. :)