Friday, January 3, 2014

Merry Christmas

Christmas 2013 was a success. It was a strange one...again being our first year 10 hours away from family, but it was peaceful and fun one.
So the boys were very surprised and very thankful for the new Xbox they received. Thankfully, they don't require the latest and greatest of technology... and when new items come out, these items become more affordable. Riley was so happy that he couldn't even speak clearly...a lot of shocked stuttering was taking place, followed by big hugs!

Riley's lego set... Republic Gunship

Reece's Lego set... Mobile Heavy Cannon

My lighting was poor in all of these pictures...nothing I could do about the natural light from behind. Santa brought the boys some awesome snow gear...a couple sleds an snowboards (for small hills.)

Santa also brought some small Lego sets and a couple new movies.

Mom was so lucky to sneak a picture of what Santa left before the boys woke up... ;)

Our Christmas Eve was a fun dinner at the Scrutons. I was surprised with a beautiful framed pictures of my favorite Mt. Sopris. It's an ongoing joke with us that I am always talking about "How Sopris feels today." It's always happy or depressed... depending on the weather. Well the joke gets more dramatic with each telling, so here is my picture I can now document its/our mood on each day. What a funny, but thoughtful gift.

The kiddos at the Scrutons... Riley had been a little under the weather, so he was anxious to get home and get to bed. Thankfully he woke up Christmas morning feeling well enough to stop all medicine. 

Reece posing with his Lego set.

1175 pieces later Riley has a pretty awesome set! It took several hours! 
My special gift this year were these earrings.
Funny story behind this gift...I was at work when Reece texted me.
Reece: Can I have five dollars?
Me: What? Why?
Reece: A resin. (Reason)
Me: I'll be home soon. It can wait.

When I got home he said he wanted to get me a special Christmas gift...after reasoning with him that I didn't want to buy my own gift, he went and got it out of his own spend jar. He handled it well. He did say that he was going to be the one handing the money to his teacher, so it was really  him buying the gift. Nice try spinning that logic around, but it doesn't work that way kid. He was very proud and excited to give the earrings to me and that's what makes me most happy.

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