Friday, January 3, 2014

Quick Trip Back to KS and early, we are off to Kansas. Friday was a long day of driving. But our excitement kept us going and the weather and traffic were perfect!  
A rare nap for Reece. Blankets and pillow and 11 hours in the car will do it...

Riley focusing on "The Hunger Games." The good news is he finished it this trip...and we will watch the movie today.

Dad wanted a selfie... silly man.

It had been exactly 5 months since we passed this sign last.

Our KC cousins! (Colby, Camryn and baby Lucas)

Aunt Jaime had her cats with her, and Reece loved on them as much as possible.

Monday brought on the movie "Frozen" and bowling with Aidan.

Owen was so tired after the movie...such a sweet heart!

I was able to see my friend Becky, and her 2 year old was a ham. Landon was in the dish gloves pretending to be a doctor.
I also got to see my friends Casey,Sarah, and Cindy...just no pictures to show for it. 

Jake went golfing with his good friend, Joe, and we almost got away with his youngest daughter... Penny thought it was pretty funny sitting in our car like a big girl.

We rang in the new year at Aunt Joanna's ... she hosts a "Kid New Years Party." It was a success... food and fun! Owen showing off his New Year Gear!

Kraus kids, Scott kids, and McMillan kids... cousin fun!

Riley was missing the mountains so much he needed the Mountain High Mudd Pie...actually he just wanted it because of the word "pie." His favorite thing! It was MASSIVE and oh so good!

The boys got to see their good friends in McPherson, Nicholas and Jackson, and then we went to say good bye to Aidan and Owen. Just like that our trip was over! The drive home was long and dreadful! The anticipation to just get home and back in your own bed seems to double the length of your drive... It was so exciting to be back in the canyon and to see that Glenwood exit. It was a crazy, jam packed few days, glad we got the chance to make the trip, but it's nice to be home.

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