Friday, January 3, 2014

Work Party Fun

I've been very spoiled by my new job... Christmas time brings lots of treats! Beautiful poinsettias, lots of yummy candies, breads, popcorn, a small bonus, a grand lunch out with the small staff and a large dinner out with the office girls and radiology department we partner with. This gathering was at the Glenwood Vaudeville Revue and it was great! The food was amazing and the show was hilarious.

Bad angle, but above the stage they had a 1918 Wurlitzer Picture Player, and it was still in working condition. A very rare two ton instrument.  

One of the only pictures I felt comfortable taking during the show...again, it was such a great time!

I tried uploading a video, but blogger is being difficult. Jake got pulled up on was a funny scene. A few girls got a little flirty with him. Laughs all around! I feel fortunate for working for such an amazing company... the new year will bring more hours for me and more responsibility. My boss has asked me to get certified for medical billing...and I accepted. I'm so nervous. I will take a four month course online and will need to take a state test (which is the scariest part) afterwards. So far what I've learned at my job is medical coding and billing are just as confusing as a foreign language. I hope my brain can handle this...It's been 12 years since I've done anything like this. Wish me luck!

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