Saturday, December 6, 2014

öh, ÇhᏒᎥsᏆmᎪs ᏆᏒᎬᎬ

For just $10 we ventured out and to the "wilderness" (Reece's words) and found our imperfect, perfect Christmas tree. We tromped around in knee deep snow to find it. Here it is... it doesn't look like much, but we were required to stay in a certain area, and we were new to this "wilderness" tree hunt. The only stress in this adventure was to keep the size reasonable ( we have a small living space and trees never look as big as they are outside) and to make sure we didn't cut down the state tree, aka, a blue spruce. I tried googling how to know what a blue spruce was, and every picture looked different. We tried not to break any laws, but ignorance is bliss, and our fingers are still crossed that we did not cut a state tree.

When I took this picture, I didn't realize I was taking it at the worst angle. My nephew said it looked like it was on a diet. My sister said it had character. I really is more beautiful than this picture leads to believe. I'm used to full, fir trees. Trees that can handle the weight of a lot strands of lights and our heavy personal ornaments we've collected over the years...this tree couldn't quite handle the weight, so we made the best of it and still love it. (FYI...Lynx is getting yelled at quite a bit these days, she won't leave my tree skirt alone and the ornaments, of course, are eye candy to her. I haven't had to fill up her water bowl, as it seems she enjoys pine flavored water...not sure if that is the "silver lining" here or not, but I choose my battles.)

I have to share this story from Reece. When the tree was finished I had so many lights left over (again, my tree is very sparse compared to what I'm used to) so I gave the lights to the boys to decorate the loft. Reece's response was one of pure joy. "We are decorating SO much this year!" His face was priceless. When at 9 years old, you get these kinds of reactions, your heart just melts. Love him!

Side note: Last year we were in our condo, with all of our Christmas stuff in storage, so our Christmas from a "decor" angle was pretty simple and was so great getting our Christmas items we hadn't seen in 2 years. This is another reason our decorating was "SO much" this year.

1 comment:

Erica said...

It's so cute! I love that it's a unique tree. Merry Christmas!