Saturday, September 26, 2015

14ɛʀ - ʍṭ. ɛʟɮɛʀṭ

The family took their hiking to a whole different level last week. We attempted our first 14er... and we chose the highest 14er in Colorado. In fact it's the 2nd highest mountain in the continental US. Pretty cool. The elevation is 14,439 feet. We woke up early...4:30 am, watched the sun rise, drove into freezing temperatures and started our adventure. Riley and Jake conquered that mountain...Reece and I called it quits just before the summit. The poor kid struggled and didn't want to go any more. I was laboring in the thin air and my legs were pretty darn tired... so I decided a pushed him long enough. I'm bummed I didn't finish, but we still made it pretty darn close to 14,000 feet. It was an adventure and the aspens were already bright yellow, my favorite!



Sun rising east of Twin Lakes.

It was hard to be prepared for frigid cold temperatures, knowing that by mid afternoon it would be in the 80s...Riley had a miserable start, but it didn't take too long to warm up as we got moving.

Shout out to my class of 2000. (I do not condone this behavior...)

My favorite picture! Sun rising through the aspen grove.

My "Pink Drink" made the hike with me.

Mom and Reece, D.O.N.E.

They win! 

Snack time on the summit.

Proud of these two!


Erica said...

That's amazing McMillan Family!! When we were in Colorado we saw the huge and mighty Mt. Elbert! Way to go!

Shenna said...

Wow. That's pretty impressive! I love all of the beautiful nature pictures you post. Colorado is amazing!