Sunday, September 6, 2015

IᖇOᑎ ᗰOᑌᑎTᗩIᑎ ᕼOT ᔕᑭᖇIᑎGᔕ

Well, summer is winding down (or "was" when this was taken)...and Riley worked hard to pass 8th grade math. We needed  a fun, relaxing day. Glenwood got a new hot springs pool just about 2 months ago. It was time to give it a try... 
They have 16 mini mineral pools. It's different than an actual hot springs pool,  you don't get the strong suffer smell. (Preferred by me.) You can look at the Colorado River while you are relaxing. I was demanding pictures of the boys with the sun right in their face...oops!

Ahhh...super sad summer is ending, but so ready for the amazing fall colors to arrive!

Found this...Jake selfie!

Each pool is a different degree, so you can pool hop until you find the one for you. They range from 98-108 degrees... I think we tried most of them. There is also a heated family size pool which is fresh, chlorinated water.

What a view!

And this view too...
Goodbye, summer...

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