Sunday, September 6, 2015

вυlldog crəəĸ тraιl

A few weeks ago we went on an easy, leisurely hike. We got to hike up to some old mining remains. It was pretty cool...and Reece, who hasn't enjoyed hikes much these days, didn't whine too much.
Let's go!

That was easy... pretty cool remains.

Amazing how the the outside looked pretty together, then there was the inside and back side of this old cabin.

We had to watch out for nails...always a danger. That was our "high risk" on this day.

Here is the actual mining shambles.

Another smaller cabin.

We can lure this kid on any hike with food...even if it's just a PB&J.

The mining shaft from above.

Reece captured this... Jake was trying to photobomb a picture of me.

Another day, another adventure.

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