Wednesday, December 23, 2015

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I did it! I've officially watched the Star Wars series... it was crunch time because I had watched the final episode the night before the road trip to Denver began. We chose to watch the movie in Denver because we wanted a real theater experience...something the Western Slope doesn't offer. We got IMAX and 3D and it did not disappoint.

One of the silly signs along the way... When we arrived to Denver we met up with the Scruton, Shaner and Juuls family. The grown "boys" were way more excited than most of the kids. It was quite funny. Then it was a late dinner at Brio Tuscan Grill... it was amazing!! Then it was back to the hotel for some late night swimming and eventually bed. 

We woke up VERY early on Sunday and pigged out on the yummy breakfast  provided by the hotel. We quickly packed up and headed to the theater at 9am for our 10am viewing.
Um, Reece...the 3D hasn't started yet.

Just an okay picture of our group...we took half rows. 

Celia, Reece, Abby and Riley
The entire gang. We ALL had Star Wars shirts...the movie did not disappoint. And I believe this was the best 3D/IMAX experience I've ever had. Two thumbs up from this gang.
Proof I had on a Star Wars shirt. My vest was hiding it...
Good friends, good times, epic memories! Guess we need to start planning for the next movie.

1 comment:

Erica said...

That is so awesome! What a memorable experience. I have only seen the first one and that was when I was little and I was half paying attention, lol.