Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Oh wow! Time is flying by... a couple things to point it out; I haven't found time to blog in a while and REECE TURNED ELEVEN THIS YEAR!! He had a fun filled 4 days of celebrating.
Day one we had his BFF, Luke, stay over. Luke bought Reece his very own football. If there is one thing we know about Reece at this age, it is he is totally obsessed with football. That is no exaggeration. He talks football nonstop!

Hard to get a good picture in the dark, but we took the boys to Iron Mountain Hot Springs to celebrate. It was relaxing for Jake and I, and lots of fun for the boys.

Birthday dessert #1... Butterfingers Dessert! Yum!

Day 2 we had the Scruton and Brocker families over for dinner. Reece got another football AND football gloves. The excitement in this picture are very real!  He also got basketball shoes and clothes, a Star Wars figure and a new pocket knife.

Reece had a second birthday dessert on this night. Cookies and Cream Cake. 

December 8th. Reece's real birthday. Reece loves eggs, so I attempted scrambled eggs shaped like the number 11.

Reece got a Steelers shirt from my parents. He was again, super excited! He also got a new headset for his Xbox and a Madden football game along with some birthday money. I think 2015 treated this spoiled kid very well. Oh, and the real birthday dessert was Angel Food cake with strawberries and whipped cream! These 4 days were quite a whirlwind...and there's no time to relax, because Christmas is right around the corner!

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