Wednesday, December 30, 2015


This year Jake literally forced me up the mountain. I had a terrible first time experience years ago, and really had not desire to do it again. Jake had other plans...I was kinda dreading snow.

Reece's cute face and full lips!

Riley worked up an appetite on day one.

Heading up the lift with Reece...this may have been a forced smile.

I spy Jake and Riley... nearly the same size! Well...Jake is a little wider.

Day 2... Riley and Reece in front of us.

The boys took me to the top! Yikes!

Day 3 was just Jake and I... Mt. Sopris was out! (It was hiding yesterday behind the ONLY cloud in the sky.)

My skis... I definitely broke them in.
So overall I'm not a natural skier. I like to be in complete control and it's super hard for me to relax while flying down the mountain. I like to go sloooooow. The first day I took a group lesson. I did not enjoy it, there were only 4 of us, but there is always that 1 person that needs all the attention.

Day 2...I really didn't want to go back. I went ahead and took a private lesson. It didn't go too badly, but I still hated going fast. The problem is, when you go slow it actually tires your legs out quicker.

Day 3... I REALLY didn't want to go back at all. Not ever again!! But I forced myself knowing that if I didn't get out then, the next time wouldn't get any easier. So Jake and I went out (the boys opted to stay home in the warmth.) Jake went slow with me on the easiest run. We did it over and over and over... I still had issues with speed. Our last run we went up top again. I didn't fall once! My legs still tired, because I made myself go slow, although I went much faster than I had been. So baby steps. I didn't give up, but I will be a work in progress to get much more comfortable on skis.

1 comment:

Leesa said...

You are a trooper!! I went skiing once with Jason before we moved home from UT. Let's just say I was the one who the ski patrol had to pull down the mountain on the toboggan thingy. Embarrassing.
Your pictures make it look worth trying again, though!