Sunday, December 31, 2017

December 2017

December brought Reece a league championship- they didn't win a single football game, but went undefeated in basketball. So. much. fun!
Reece also turned 13!!! I have two teenagers! YIKES!
Riley confirmed that I am shrinking when he actually posed with me in a picture at my work Christmas Party...and we got a white Christmas!!! We have not had much snow at all, but Santa brought me a white Christmas. It's all I wanted. 

Here's to 2018!!
Can't wait to see what it brings!

November 2017

Hmmm... not sure where October went.  I'm sure it was just us going through the motions during the bridge project. 
The bridge project was completed in November-Riley and I decided we had to be apart of the official grand opening, bridge walk. Well....I decided for the both of us. We both biked the furthest almost 80% of the 85 days. We earned it
Reece traded his football helmet in for his basketball uniform, and his team dominated the first half of their season.
Jake's dad and Sally came to visit for Thanksgiving-we drove up and showed them how we hunt for trees in the mountains. Best $10 spent every year!


September 2017

September took us on one last hike to Lyle and Mormon Lake. Riley started his Sophomore year and Reece began 7th. Reece played football for the first time ever, and was appointed quarterback at the last minute. He did great! The team lost all of their games, but Reece handled the pressure and never got discouraged being in such a high profile role. Our cat was cute and Jake and I snuck away for a rare date night... we were both exhausted during the bridge project. Biking daily to and from work took a toll on both of us! Riley deserves a shout out too... he was biking daily, as well.