Sunday, December 31, 2017

August 2017

August can be summed up with FaMiLy!
I had my sister Jody swing through town with my nephews, Aidan and Owen.
Colby's family came out to pick him up, which brought more nieces and a nephew.
My sister, Jill. brought her family out from Utah to see everyone, and it was just a grand ol' time! We got to introduce the cousins to the Glenwood Canyon Brewpub and the Adventure Park on top of the mountains-there was a brand new ride and the boys seemed to agree it was TERRIFYING!
Shortly after they all left our Glenwood Bridge Project officially began-I started biking to work at was cold and dark. That lasted 85 days. It was a LONG 85 days!
Riley saw another cardiologist in Grand Junction and we were given another "peace of mind" follow up for these chest pains he's been having for years. 

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