Saturday, December 30, 2017

February 2017

Basketball. Skiing. Pizza. 
Hmmmm....this sounds a lot like January.
Actually, February was a bittersweet month that brought on so many emotions.
February 6th, my beautiful niece, Camryn, was diagnosed
with cancer. T-Cell Lyphoma. A week later her baby sister was born, Linley Kait. 
I turned 35 on the 15th, and my present was a flight home to see my family. It was the best gift ever. 
Sadly, on my last day visiting and trying to help out, my baby niece was admitted into the hospital with RSV. She was in there for weeks...luckily the same hospital as Camryn. So I went to KC with one niece in the hospital and left with two nieces in the hospital. 
The timing of my visit couldn't have been any better- I got to watch 3 of my nephews compete at state swimming all as Freshman... I'm the aunt to some pretty amazing athletes.
2017 was a roller coaster...hoping 2018 evens out a bit!

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