Saturday, December 30, 2017

June 2017

Holy Moly!! June was jam packed- picture overload ahead!
Reece got to go to a tournament with the 8th graders and brought home first place.
He also got an award for being the "Question King"... I have no idea if that is a good thing or not.
Riley had his last day of his freshman year and Reece had his last day of 6th grade.
Jake and I hiked to the cross here in Glenwood and Reece went to his first overnight basketball camp and earned the "Hustle Award."
Riley turned 15!!!!! I did not mistype there... FIFTEEN!!!
And we explored and camped in Yellowstone/Grand Tetons National Park...we also swing through Jacksonhole and Dinorsaur National Park on our way home. It was amazing-you're lucky I didn't add ALL the photos from that trip!

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