Thursday, July 30, 2009

New Bike, Sleeping Mask, and a Reece

Today was a wonderful day for Reece. After we, unsuccessfully, tried to teach Riley how to ride his bike without training wheels, we went to look at more bikes. Riley fits on his bike okay, but is on the verge of needing a bigger one. We went to Walmart, and Reece became quite fond of a bike his size. We had him test it out a bit, but we had an appointment, and needed to leave and come back later. Reece was so scared to leave his bike behind.
"I don't want anyone to steal my bike!"
We never even said he was getting a bike, but we couldn't resist. Reece had claimed it, and he looked super cute on it too. Thankfully, when we did return, Reece's bike was still there. This was the proudest 4 year old ever! He pushed it all the way to checkout, and then to the truck.
As far as Riley's bike goes, we decided we wanted Riley to try harder at riding his bike, before we put money into a new one. Trust me, he still has a little growing room on his current bike.
Next, Reece is now sleeping with a sleeping mask. So funny! I have a sleeping mask, that only makes an appearance when I have my terrible migraines. It keeps it dark, and applies pressure in just the right places. I'm still in excruciating pain, but it helps some. Well. this week I had a lovely migraine, and Reece got a hold of my mask, when my pain was gone. Ever since he has been sleeping with it. I snuck in to take a picture.
That's my boy!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

FUN Riley

Sorry! No pictures!

I just wanted to share a cute story of Riley.

Last night I got home from work, and the boys were in bed, but still awake. Reece opened the door, so he could say goodnight to me. Really, it's just an excuse to not fall asleep. I went in and gave the boys hugs and kisses. Riley asked me (as he usually does), "Well, how was work?"
I told him it was fine but I missed him.
"Really?" with his big, brown eyes.
"Of, course! I always miss you when I'm at work!!"
"Is it because I'm so much FUN!?"

Oh, it was so sweet! Yes, Riley, you are fun. But, I really just miss most moments I don't get to be with you.

As for the candy update...Riley has since eaten candy. Right now, he has only refused chocolate candy. But, I did get him to eat a Tootsie Roll. He liked it. Maybe it's the other kinds of chocolate candy he doesn't want. If that keeps up, I will have a wonderful, pound gaining Halloween, eating all of his chocolate candy. Yay for me! Can't wait!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Happy 8th Birthday Aidan!

Wishing you a great day!
(Jody's oldest)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Photo By Reece

The other night, Reece decided to pose Aunt Jaime with all of his stuffed animals and take a picture.
This was the end result.
Thanks Aunt Jaime for being such a good sport.

Reece Loves Dishes

I walked into the kitchen to find Reece doing dishes.

This is the best picture. He's not only on his tippy toes, his toes are actually curled under. Ouch!
Thanks Reece!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

HAPPY 60TH BIRTHDAY DAD!!! (one day late)

WOW! Robin Beggs, AKA Dad and Grandpa, turned the big 6-0 yesterday. This seemed like a great reason to make a big fuss over him. It was great! All 8 of us kids made it to Wichita to celebrate. The surprise was, he had no idea!!! We are rarely all together, but we pulled it off. The biggest surprise of all, was my sister Jill, flew in from Utah, and my brother, Phil and family drove all the way from Colorado. What a day! We all learned so much about our hard working, amazing Dad! Hope you had as much fun a we did!

Riley, Reece and Grandpa.

Dad and Mom.

Reece in his hiding spot.

Riley and Camryn hiding under the table, waiting for Grandpa's arrival.

Grandpa and 16 out of 20 grandkids. Unfortunately, Jill didn't get to travel with her 4 kiddos.

Silly faces.

Dad arrives, and receives a group hug from the grandkids.

Grandpa testing out his new office chair.

Shawn and Dad.

Jaime and Dad.

These are our center pieces we stayed up all night to make. They turned out so cute, I took a lot of pictures so I always remember the fun I had making them. We did a sports theme, because Dad was quite the athlete when growing up. Thankfully, he passed that gene on to his 8 kids.

Things that took place in 1949:

Both cable and color came to television.
First Atomic Bomb was tested.
Average cost of home was just over $7.400.00.
Stamps cost $.03.
Average wages were $.70 per hour.
Harry S. Truman was president.
First polaroid camera sold for $89.95.
Average new car was $1,700.00.
Gas was $.17 per gallon.

That's all I remember off the top of my head.

Happy Birthday Dad! We all love you and will always appreciate all you have done for us!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Happy 7th Birthday Brenic!

Hope you have a great day!!(Aaron's 3rd oldest)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Mika!

Happy Birthday to our favorite Arizona niece!!
This was in October, so we can't imagine how much she's grown since.
We hope you get some yummy 1st cake!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Basketball Camp

This week, Riley attended his first basketball camp. He loved it. I tried to get him to play last winter, but for some reason he didn't want to. I was a little sad, but dealt with it just fine. So, several weeks ago, I was rummaging through old pictures, when I found these. Riley asked if that was me. I told him "yes." He was shocked I played basketball. He then asked if I was good. I told him I was pretty good. Anyhow, I think that helped him get pumped up for some basketball. He couldn't wait for camp to start, and he enjoyed every minute of it. Now, we have plenty to work on, but there is lots of time. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get any pictures at camp, so you just have some ancient pictures of me to look at. Sorry!

Riley Loves Us

I went downstairs today, to work out, and this is what I found on the Magna Doodle.
We love you too, Riley!! XOXO

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 4, 2009

We had a wonderful 4th. Jake, unfortunately, had to work until 4:00, but that is when all the fun began. The first half of our day was very relaxing. Didn't do too much, just hung out with the boys. We eventually made it to the pool, and when we go home, Dad was there. That meant we could do our "legal" fireworks.
Reece isn't a fan of loud noise, so he stayed in the garage, in the bed of the truck. He wouldn't even do the snappers.
Riley lighting a blue smoke bomb. The boys actually called them "stink" bombs.
Riley lighting a Bee firework.
Afterwards, we headed over to the Ringel's for a wonderful BBQ. Thanks for all the fabulous food. We had so much fun!
Riley and Logan spraying the kiddos on the trampoline.
Reece, Tyler and friends.
We LOVE the 4th at our house. We have the Gardner fireworks practically in our backyard. Never a bad view. We sure are lucky. My camera isn't the greatest, but here are some shots I did get.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Boycott Continues

Just to continue the story of Riley's boycott...Riley has now declared he will not be going trick or treating for Halloween. Yep, he has no desire to collect all of that yummy candy. Where did I go wrong?!