Thursday, July 9, 2009

Basketball Camp

This week, Riley attended his first basketball camp. He loved it. I tried to get him to play last winter, but for some reason he didn't want to. I was a little sad, but dealt with it just fine. So, several weeks ago, I was rummaging through old pictures, when I found these. Riley asked if that was me. I told him "yes." He was shocked I played basketball. He then asked if I was good. I told him I was pretty good. Anyhow, I think that helped him get pumped up for some basketball. He couldn't wait for camp to start, and he enjoyed every minute of it. Now, we have plenty to work on, but there is lots of time. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get any pictures at camp, so you just have some ancient pictures of me to look at. Sorry!


Shenna said...

Go Jacque!

Andrea said...

holy cow. is that steve whats his name in the background of the last pictures? I miss your curly hair!!! Fun pictures!