Monday, July 20, 2009

HAPPY 60TH BIRTHDAY DAD!!! (one day late)

WOW! Robin Beggs, AKA Dad and Grandpa, turned the big 6-0 yesterday. This seemed like a great reason to make a big fuss over him. It was great! All 8 of us kids made it to Wichita to celebrate. The surprise was, he had no idea!!! We are rarely all together, but we pulled it off. The biggest surprise of all, was my sister Jill, flew in from Utah, and my brother, Phil and family drove all the way from Colorado. What a day! We all learned so much about our hard working, amazing Dad! Hope you had as much fun a we did!

Riley, Reece and Grandpa.

Dad and Mom.

Reece in his hiding spot.

Riley and Camryn hiding under the table, waiting for Grandpa's arrival.

Grandpa and 16 out of 20 grandkids. Unfortunately, Jill didn't get to travel with her 4 kiddos.

Silly faces.

Dad arrives, and receives a group hug from the grandkids.

Grandpa testing out his new office chair.

Shawn and Dad.

Jaime and Dad.

These are our center pieces we stayed up all night to make. They turned out so cute, I took a lot of pictures so I always remember the fun I had making them. We did a sports theme, because Dad was quite the athlete when growing up. Thankfully, he passed that gene on to his 8 kids.

Things that took place in 1949:

Both cable and color came to television.
First Atomic Bomb was tested.
Average cost of home was just over $7.400.00.
Stamps cost $.03.
Average wages were $.70 per hour.
Harry S. Truman was president.
First polaroid camera sold for $89.95.
Average new car was $1,700.00.
Gas was $.17 per gallon.

That's all I remember off the top of my head.

Happy Birthday Dad! We all love you and will always appreciate all you have done for us!!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Happy Birthday!!! What a fun surprise! How cool that everyone was able to make it out for the party! I bet he was so happy.
We need to chat soon. Its been way too long.