Wednesday, July 29, 2009

FUN Riley

Sorry! No pictures!

I just wanted to share a cute story of Riley.

Last night I got home from work, and the boys were in bed, but still awake. Reece opened the door, so he could say goodnight to me. Really, it's just an excuse to not fall asleep. I went in and gave the boys hugs and kisses. Riley asked me (as he usually does), "Well, how was work?"
I told him it was fine but I missed him.
"Really?" with his big, brown eyes.
"Of, course! I always miss you when I'm at work!!"
"Is it because I'm so much FUN!?"

Oh, it was so sweet! Yes, Riley, you are fun. But, I really just miss most moments I don't get to be with you.

As for the candy update...Riley has since eaten candy. Right now, he has only refused chocolate candy. But, I did get him to eat a Tootsie Roll. He liked it. Maybe it's the other kinds of chocolate candy he doesn't want. If that keeps up, I will have a wonderful, pound gaining Halloween, eating all of his chocolate candy. Yay for me! Can't wait!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Seriously that boy is one of the sweetest ones I know.