Friday, November 20, 2009


Riley's 2nd grade musical was last night. Dinostars!!
Here is the famous costume that gave me a headache.
Not impressive, but I tried really hard.
Here is Riley posing as a scary dinosaur, before we went to the show.

Riley dancing on stage.

This is the famous ALAINA!!!

Isn't she a cutie!?!?

Riley's speaking part:

"Wear a seatbelt in a car, and a helmet on a bike.

Don't watch too much T.V, better go on a hike."

(Follow these rules and you won't go extinct, like a dinosaur)

This was the funniest thing. The musical was set up like "American Idol." Well, in this scene, the "Raptors" performed a musical number. "We're Raptors, YO! YO! We're Raptors"
2nd graders acting like little gangsters are hilarious! If you watch closely, you'll see the dancers doing a great "worm" along with some pretty good break dancing. I was impressed.

Thanks Aunt Jaime, for coming and bringing your camera, that is WAY better than ours!!!

1 comment:

Erica said...

What a cute play! We really enjoyed watching the 2:00 performance. Riley did an awesome job!