Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving Week In Wichita


The boys and I went down to Wichita on Tuesday. My bestie was already in town, and I was SO anxious to see her and her sisters, that we left as soon as Riley got out of school. When we got to Wichita, I unloaded the car and zoomed over to Andrea's Dad's house, and we just hung out and chatted. Of course, I'm the worst friend and forgot my camera, so I have no proof that we actually did hang out... Bad Jacque!!!

Andrea's entire family went to the Zoo, so we tagged along. It was pretty cold, but the kids didn't really mind, and they had fun getting to know each other.

Riley, Reece, Landon & Ava

This is Madi, NOT wanting her picture taken.
Landon's face was just too cute!!

Reece really enjoyed pretending to milk the cow...

Riley and Reece.

This Camel was actually sculpted by my 2nd grade Science teacher, Sherry Hoffman, then donated.
Riley was all about reading the Zoo maps. He did great!
I can't believe I didn't get a picture of Alex. I was so sure I had gotten a picture of all the kids. Guess Shenna will have to come back soon!
After the Zoo, Andrea held a jewelry party at her Dad's, and then my sisters, her sisters and some friends all went to see "New Moon." I really enjoyed it! Andrea did not. I found it 100x better than "Twilight." I'm just so glad I didn't wait for it to come out on video.

Happy Thanksgiving!! I think my Mom and Dad had an all time low at their house. I think we just had 22 people for dinner. We also took time out to celebrate 4th quarter birthdays!
Reece is less than 2 weeks from turning the BIG 5!!!

Hannah turned 8.
Britton turned 8.
Jack turned 5.
Ariana is 5 this Tuesday.
Reece will be 5 a week after that!
Happy Birthday Kiddos!!
(take one)
The day after Thanksgiving we always go to our family~in~law's Christmas Tree Farm and pick out a tree. Unfortunately, Jake had to come back home early, to go back to work. Aunt Jaime came along with us, and our goal was to get some amazing pictures to make a holiday card. The boys had other plans. They did NOT want pictures taken, and they did NOT enjoy much of our time at the farm.
Santa Claus was escorted in by a bag pipe line.

Santa arrives!!!
This is an example of how they did NOT want pictures taken. It only went downhill from here...
Me, "cutting" down our tree. Okay, I was really just tagging a pre-cut tree. My muscles went back home to work in KC.

Aunt Jaime!!
The beautiful barn, that my sister, Jody, decorates personally. She's so talented!!!

The boys told Santa they wanted "Mario Galaxy" for Christmas.

This will be 1 of 2 pictures in our Christmas card.
(take two)
Saturday morning, the boys and I got moving early. We went back to the farm before it opened, and tried a second round of pictures. Day 2 was successful.

This will be 2 of 2 in the Christmas card.
We woke up, slowly packed up, and came back home. It's always so nice to be home after a long trip. All I really wanted to do, was curl up and nap, but we had a tree to get up and decorated. Unpacking came next, followed by laundry and then blogging.

This was Riley, shortly after decorating. All I know is, I'm not ready for school to start or to go back to work. Thank goodness Christmas break is a couple weeks away...


Shenna said...

Cute pictures! I'm glad we got to see you and your sisters on our little trip. We had a blast!!!

Leesa said...

The pictures for your Christmas cards are so cute! Thanks for the catalog - I'm picking out a Christmas gift for myself. :) Are you placing an order by a specific day?