Thursday, February 18, 2010


....we're the neurological~challenged family.

We all know Jake likes to grow tumors on his nervous system. Reece developed a tic last year, that kind of went away, and is now more frequent again. (It doesn't bother him, so it doesn't bother us) Now, I've been diagnosed with "Trigeminal Neuralgia." The doctor says it is an inflamed cranial nerve. There is no test to officially diagnose it, but by my description, he knew right away.

I went into the doctor on Wednesday afternoon, after almost 24 hours of a sharp, shooting pain in the right side of my head, above my eye. I get migraines on the left side of my head, so this was a complete different, not normal pain. When it first started, It was a huge jolt to my system, but as it continued, I got used to it. I still felt it, but the shock wasn't there. It definitely distracts me, but I'm always distracted, so what's new? The doctor says it should go away after a few days, but gave me a prescription just in case I needed it. Since it isn't keeping me awake, I'm going to do my best to deal with it. I'm on enough medicine, I don't want to add more. He did say very rarely, this becomes chronic. He has 2 other patients that it has been chronic, and one takes a daily medicine, the other had her nerve removed, which left a part of her face numb (or dead.)

Oh, the drama never ends here. Does Riley stand a chance of being the only normal McMillan? We shall see...


Andrea said...

Oh no! Im so sorry. I hope you feel better soon. This is unacceptable!Travel safe to Wichita. I hope you sell lots and lots of jewelery!

Leesa said...

Boo on Migraines!!! I'm sorry! I hope the condition goes away.

Shenna said...

Oh boy...hopefully it goes away!!