Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Perfect Model

This past weekend, we were in Wichita. I had 2 very good parties, (Thanks Leesa and Joanna) and I got this great picture of 4 year old, Taylor. It's hard to tell in this picture, but Taylor is wearing every piece of "pink" jewelry, I had on display. She was great, and she layers so well!! Taylor was so entertaining, and made me laugh so hard!! She is such a cutie!
I just made it through Day 3 with Jake gone. It's been so much harder than I expected. I have the pressure of being full time mommy, learning a new job, and making sure we get past this last hurdle to get our house on the market by Monday (March 1st.) I'm struggling. I just didn't think it would be this hard. Thankfully, I found a sitter, here in the neighborhood, with reasonable prices. This will take a huge load off my shoulders, and my lovely neighbor that has been helping me out. This sitter also watches my blogging buddy's little boy (Riley's Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Wessel)! Fun!!


Leesa said...

Ah! I love it! That's such a cute picture!
I'm sorry things are so hard right now. :( Hopefully the days will go by quickly and you'll be able to move on to your new chapter in life soon!

Andrea said...

How cute!! That little Taylor is the cutest thing ever!
Im sorry things are so tough right now. Youre in my thoughts all the time!! I love ya!

Shenna said...

What a little cutie! Hopefully things will slow down a bit for you in the next week or two!!