Monday, July 5, 2010

Quarterly Birthdays

This quarter we celebrated
Riley's 8th,
Aidan's 9th,
Owen's 2nd
We had a water party at Joanna's, and mother nature contributed some of the water!
Thankfully, we didn't have any complaints from the kiddos...
Reece posing.
I'm amazed my camera caught this fun picture of Riley!

Riley posing.... DON'T SHOOT!!
Joanna always amazes me!
Toy Story Aliens!
Our family doesn't allow Joanna to host, and NOT make her sugar cookies!
They are the only sugar cookies, that don't taste like pure sugar, and we all LOVE them!!!
Present time!
Riley and Aidan.... best buds! Big brother, Aidan, helping Owen with his first gifts.
MORE Legos!!!
(Aidan was much more excited than his face puts on here)
Riley couldn't wait to get his new toys open!
Reece too...


jody-of-all-trades said...

Aidan was really excited about all his presents. He got such great gifts that I have no idea what to get him for his actual birthday... THANKS EVERYONE!

Leesa said...

mmmm sugar cookies.. They are my weakness in life. (and ice cream, too.)
The water party looked like fun!

Tommi said...

It's only been a couple months since you moved and the boys already look bigger...stop growin up!