Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I'm amazed!!

I have found someone who actually wears Reece out!!!

Reece has recently become good friends with Aidan, from across the street. This is the same kid that told Riley, he didn't want to play with him (which has blown over, and they are just fine) and Reece is exhausted by the end of the day.

Anyone who knows Reece, knows he wakes up with great energy, and it only increases as the day goes on! I so wish I only had an ounce of this. Well, on Saturday, Reece was literally outside since before breakfast, and playing ALL day. It is torture to get him in for meals. Come 430 in the afternoon, Reece came in and snuggled with me. Around 530 I made the boys some quick dinner, and Reece didn't want to finish because he was too tired. Around 630, he was passed out in my bed!! He slept until 500 in the morning, which is when he wet his bed because he fell asleep so early. So, at that time, we got him cleaned up, and then I came down to the living room with him and put on movies. He managed to stay awake until 1000 the next night. Thankfully, the next morning he slept until 930. I'm glad he is having so much fun, and exerting so much of his energy. I dread the winter months now!!!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

I'm glad to hear the "friend drama" blew over!