Saturday, July 31, 2010

Riley's Paintings

One of the many reasons I LoVe McPherson, is how inexpensive it is to participate in activities.
Shortly after we moved, I asked Riley, randomly, what he wanted to be when he grew up. He told me an artist, more specifically, he wanted to be a painter. That same week, we got a mailer that showed the city offered painting classes. It only cost $25 for 2 weeks! I'm so used to paying minimum $50 for every activity I've ever gotten this kid in. Even a 4 day basketball camp. Needless to say, he loved it, and now I have some new art to frame and hang for the new house. I think nature was favorite style.

As far as inexpensive.... I'm going to be able to sign both of my boys up for flag football, this fall, for the same price of what I paid for just Riley last year. Lovely perk for me!!!

1 comment:

Shenna said...

I love all of his paintings! I'm glad things are so inexpensive...extracurricular activities can get expensive!