Friday, August 6, 2010

"Call The Police"

Last night, Reece came inside from playing, and asked me to call the police on his friend, Aidan, from across the street. "For real," were his words!

I was caught off guard, and said, "I thought you were friends with Aidan?!"

"We are! But, he is the meanest kid in the whole world!"

"What makes him mean?"

"He pulls you under water (they have a small pool) without your goggles! AND with your eyes open!!! (Those of you who know Reece well, he has the most exaggerated voice, and speaks with his hands. A LOT!)

At this point I laughed it off, and Reece moved on. He has a short attention span.

This is where the story gets a little sad....

About 30 minutes later, Aidan's mom and his little brother, Jace, came to the door. She asked if we were ok? I was confused, and thought she knew her kids were rough with Reece, and was coming to apologize. WRONG! Apparently, Reece had mentioned something about the police, and Jace had been crying, thinking that I was going to call the police on his mom. His mom had yanked him out of the street, for breaking the "NO STREET" rule, and thought I was going to call the cops on her for doing so. What strange drama, my 5 year old causes me.... Lady! I'd do the same to my kid, and I used to spank too!! It's ok by me if you are a parent to your kid!! Ha ha!

So, today, Reece had to apologize to Jace for making him sad....


jody-of-all-trades said...

But I've never heard Reece exaggerate! (Insert sarcastic tone...)

Leesa said...

Wow - that must have been a little awkward!