Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Watch Out, Kindergarten!

Reece is here!

His face looks like he's in pain.... and it might be from all the supplies in his backpack.
Riley ready to guide him to school.
Outfit #2.
Actually, Reece has P.M. Kindergarten for the first 10 days, but he was dressed and ready to go by 7:30 am....
We then had a play date, which got Reece a little messy before his big first day, so we had to change. He chose his KU shirt because,"I want everyone to know that we are Jayhawk fans!"
*insert hand motions*
What a proud Jayhawk Mama, I am!!!
Saying goodbye! I dropped him off in Mrs. Olander's room, who will be his teacher through 1st grade. He was too busy checking out the class to look at me for this picture. Trust me, we tried multiple times!
I have the house to myself, and I might go crazy!!!


Leesa said...

Isn't amazing how much stuff the schools want parents to buy for supplies? I had two bags full of stuff. I took it to the school early because there was no way little Taylor would have been able to carry all of it!!
I hope Reece had a great first day!

jody-of-all-trades said...

I can't believe he is in Kindergarten!!! What a cutie. Mrs. Olander is going to love him!