Monday, August 16, 2010

Opposite Complaints

While back-to-school shopping, we let Riley pick out a few new shirts.... and this was his first choice. It's "Diary of a Wimpy Kid."
Since purchasing this, I've been hearing the same complaint from both kids. Riley pouts, and gets annoyed and bored, because ,"Reece won't play inside with me."
Well, Reece turns that around, and it's, "Riley won't play outside with me."
I just tell Riley that I love having Reece outside, and there is nothing wrong for him wanting to be active all day long.
He just says, "Well, I'm an indoor person. At least, he will probably play with me more, when it is winter."
Thanks, shirt!!
And, a silly picture of Aidan, from last week.

1 comment:

Leesa said...

It's crazy how siblings can be so different! I know the day will come when it's no longer fun for the girls to play outside. It will be a sad day.